Archive for the ‘J-10’ Category

I am pleaesd to let you know that I have an article about the J-10 published in current issue of the Airforces Monthly titled The Tale of The Vigorous Dragon. Airforce Monthly ‘provies the best military aviation news coverage from a round the globe and is essential reading for anyone seeking a well-informed view’.

The article is about J-10’s genealogy, dating back to its origin, covering all the current versions and describing the future development.



I attended 2010 China Air show photo competition. I had a chance to take pictures for the August 1st’s pilots and got a closer look of J-10 aircraft.

August 1st’s pilots, people from design team and air hostesses.

Yan Feng, who is the leader pilot of August 1st Aerobatic Team.

Yan Feng’s plane.

August 1st Aerobatic Team’s pilots

From left to right, Air Tianjin, Shandong Airlines, Hainan Airlines, Shenzhen Airlines, Eastern Airlines, Airline Sichuan, Southern Airlines.